We have decided to post this in full to demonstrate the commitment we have in safeguarding every member of the Bishops Stortford Academy Of Performing Arts. 



Bishops Stortford Academy Of Performing Arts is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of all students, staff and volunteers and will continue to follow the advice of the UK Government, NHS, Public Health England and our local Health Protection Team.

The current (summarised) advice is:

  • Educational settings are opening for all year groups in September 2020
  • OOSS can open from the beginning of the school summer holidays
  • Social distancing is 2m (or 1m+ if 2m is not possible or with risk mitigation)
  • Anyone who is showing symptoms of a cough and/or fever are to self-isolate for 10 days
  • Anyone with confirmed COVID-19 or contact by track and Trace are to self-isolate for 14 days


All current social distancing measures will be implemented throughout this procedure.

Groups of no more than 15 students will be supervised by 1 or 2 teachers. For the purposes of child-friendly and age appropriateness, Bishops Stortford Academy Of Performing Arts will call these groups “bubbles” by group names Act 1, Act 2, etc.  There is to be no cross contamination between bubbles as students will not mix and spaces will be deep cleaned between group’s use.

To attend classes, parents must agree to a health questionnaire being completed to confirm no one in the household has any symptoms or has been told to self-isolate. Children may supply their own PPE equipment, but it is not the responsibility of teachers to ensure it is used or worn correctly. It is not to be worn during physical activity.

No parents will be allowed in rehearsal rooms, they must drop off and collect at the theatre reception. Staggered drop off and collection times to ensure no overcrowding, and 2m markers are in place at the theatre to ensure any queuing results in social distancing.

Upon arrival, all students are to immediately wash their hands and have their temperature taken through our infrared thermometer. Students should arrive in uniform and bring suitable dance shoes in a clearly named bag.

Any child with a fever must be immediately isolated and collected by their parents.

Students will be then taken to the space used for their classes where they will have been allocated a space to use throughout their session.

Students will also bring their bags in to this space, be allowed to change shoes and we can conduct lessons and activities. If sessions are longer than 45 minutes in length, there will be a staggered break to wash hands. Increased handwashing is encouraged particularly before and after eating or using equipment.

Breaks, moving to different spaces and the use of corridors and bathrooms will be closely monitored to ensure social distancing is always upheld. This will be through staggered breaks, and students will be required to wear a mask/face covering when in open public areas of the theatre.

In the event of an emergency evacuation, site managers will be responsible for the safe evacuation of students and staff. Teachers will lead their group to the fire and emergency assembly point ensuring social distancing is maintained. Where risk of accident or injury in an emergency evacuation supersedes the danger of social distancing, children will be assisted in any way possible.

Any student/teacher or family member who is tested positive for COVID-19 up to two weeks post-event dates must immediately inform Bishops Stortford Academy Of Performing Arts management. The bubble that is affected will immediately be notified including students/parents/teachers. Should this occur while classes are running, the bubble affected will be shut down, and spaces deep cleaned immediately follow government guidance “COVID-19: cleaning in non-healthcare settings”.

If a student is incapable of following new rules within the studio Bishops Stortford Academy Of Performing Arts, as mentioned in our student behaviour policy, has the right to remove the student from classes. This will be on a case-by-case basis and no refund will be offered.


All teachers and volunteers must immediately wash their hands for the prescribed 20 second period upon arrival at theatre. They must also do this between every class.

Teachers and volunteers are expected to assist site managers with student handwashing between lessons and deep cleaning during changeover.

If teachers/volunteers are teaching at schools other than Bishops Stortford Academy Of Performing Arts, a meticulous log of these sessions must be kept in order to assist NHS track and trace and MTA in safeguarding students.

If a student breaks new social distancing rules, or any other rule implemented by Bishops Stortford Academy Of Performing Arts to safeguard students, management must be immediately informed.

In the instance of an emergency evacuation, staff must lead groups to the fire/emergency evacuation point and ensure social distancing is being maintained.

Teachers and Volunteers are expected to follow other Bishops Stortford Academy Of Performing Arts procedure, social distancing and NHS guidelines to avoid spreading the virus including washing hands before/after eating and reporting any potential symptoms/confirmed diagnoses to the office as a matter of urgency.

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